4UOnly is a password creation and management tool. It allows you to create and manage a database of passwords that you use on your computer. They all get stored on a centralized location, which is protected with a password, and optionally, encrypted.
You can add your user logins and passwords to 4UOnly in one of two ways: by copying the information from your web browser and manually pasting it into the application or using the button for that, or by adding an entry manually. If you go for the manual way, you can add notes to each login and set a password expiration date. Also, you can use the password creation tool.
Sadly, 4UOnly has no web browser integration whatsoever. It won't automatically input your passwords or retrieve them from your browser. You have to do all that manually. The main database is located in a file on your computer, which is easily accessible. Encryption is supported, but there is no information regarding what type the application uses or how strong it is.
Once you have been granted access to the main application, your passwords can be seen very easily. You can even have a list of user logins and passwords displayed on the main screen. There is no auto-block feature, so if you forget the app open, bad for you. Also, there is no search function, so when you start piling user logins, you will have to search through them manually. Furthermore, there is no on-screen help to guide you through the process.